What is the other side of pain?
More pain.......
I have seen a mom fall to her knees as she has received the news of the dreaded cancer that now has its home in her eight year old daughter's body....
I have looked into the eyes of young 12 year old girls who in a few hours will be sold and touched by hands and evil hearts......
I have hugged murders and thought, this could be my daughter.
I have read black and white on the screen from dear sister's who have suffered such savagery it is...well I can't find a word, UNDEFINABLE
I have watched dear ones lose their vision, friends that long for their fathers, families loose mothers and marriages implode. I have been on the other line of the call...... he is gone......
I have sat with a teenage who gave all of herself only to get five diseases in return and a broken heart.
I have watched as a young woman takes to the stage to strip for the first time.
I have been in a hospital to see healing, and, a few floors below a dear one on life support.
And I think, "How can this all be in one building. All of it in the very same air I breathe.
I am left reeling, falling, grasping and I can't seem to stop shaking inside.
At the beginning of every year I pray and ask for one word.....This year God told me SEE.
Seeing is hard. Seeing is painful. I think I would rather not.....Thank you very much.
A dear sister told me, "It is HARD to see, but just make sure you are going back to Him with that pain every time or you will burn right out. There are things we were never meant to carry alone in this world..... A very wise woman.
No matter what side of the devastation, whether you're walking in it or seeing it..... TEARS FALL, HEARTS BREAK. Lives in pain.
A few days ago my bible flopped open to Matthew 12:22-23 and once again I am in awe of God. He tends to my broken heart like no other can.
Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and SEE. All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?” Matthew 12:22-23
Can you SEE the scene here? THEY brought him to Jesus. They. I love they. They did not shun the demon possessed man, judge him, ignore him or shame him. THEY had enough empathy and compassion to embrace him. They didn't try and heal him themselves (like I do). They knew where to take this demon possessed man. Straight to the HEALER.......JESUS IS HIS NAME
To Jesus. He healed him. Jesus didn't question him. He just healed him for His Father's glory. Can you SEE Jesus full of love, grace, compassion, and mercy? This demon possessed man unable to speak to ask for help and unable to SEE. Can you imagine him seeing Jesus for the first time?
What the enemy wants more than anything is for us to take our EYES OFF OF JESUS. He wants to divide us in our pain. Camps of HAPPENED TO against Camps of SEEING Statements like, "that is easy for you to say because this never happened to you," or "why can't they just get over that."
No matter what camp or side of pain you are on...... JESUS IS ON BOTH SIDES OF PAIN AND DEVASTATION.
I have a feeling that the demon-possessed man was not the only one healed that day. NO I believe THEY WERE HEALED TOO.
JEHOVAH RAPHA...................GOD WHO HEALS.