Wednesday, June 13, 2012


While reading over the June suggestions by Ann Voskamp for my thankfulness journal she says to list 3 THINGS EMPTY......

My first reaction is REALLY be thankful for EMPTY.......Well I know I feel empty today.  Nothing left to give. Whats to be thankful about.....

Empty means containing nothing; not holding or having anything within, void of contents, not filled.  Producing nothing.  Having nothing to carry.

I can think of a lot of EMPTY......BUT BE THANKFUL

Empty bowl and you are hungry.....Empty womb after trying and trying....  Empty bed because they are sleeping with someone else....Empty wallet and the bills are due.....Empty as when a child longs for a father that is not in their life....Empty words as you try to explain your loss.....Empty no more breath....

Because I belong to Him.....He reminds me of His Empty..........

Jesus was EMPTIED of all of Himself for me.....Jesus bore our emptiness on the cross.  He was beaten, spit on, punched, kicked, stripped of His clothing.  Blow after blow with a whip savagely ripping the skin from His back.......

But at the cross is not the end of the story.....

I can't think of a better EMPTY than the TOMB.......

Can you see Mary Magdalene?  The stone was moved.  She loved Jesus so.  She ran to get Simon Peter and the other disciples saying, "They took the Master from the tomb!"

Neck and neck Peter and the other disciple run to the tomb.  It is EMPTY.........

Matthew 28:6  He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Would you like to see the place where He lay?

I am intrigued by Mary's emptiness over the empty tomb and how Jesus comforted her.  Made himself known to her in all her pain, sorrow and emptiness. He valued her.....

I think of my emptiness.  My emptiness is good because when I am empty of myself I allow God to fill me, speak to me, to guide me and to love me.Less of me more of Him. I am reminded of what it says in Ezekiel 24:11....

Then set the empty pot on the coals
till it becomes hot and its copper glows,
so that its impurities may be melted
and its deposit burned away.       Ezekiel 21:11

I am that empty pot.  Sometimes going through the fire....with Jesus... only to have the impurities melted away so I can GLOW in His glory.....people see Him and not me.....

Three Gifts Empty
1.  Tomb
2    Linen cloths in the tomb.
3.   Me

EMPTY IS GOOD                                         

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